
Heron Irrigation Controllers have a superb range of software features, enabling you to customise the controllers and match the exact needs of each installation

degrees days report

SpecConnect Report Options

SpecConnect Report OptionsDaily Report Track the key growing factors of temperature, humidity, and rainfall Generate formal reports for permanent records Flexible date selection for reports you need: week, month or growing season   Degree Days Report Track plant...
Full Weather Station - Irrigation

Heron Weather Stations

To optimise your growing conditions, Heron supply a complete range of weather stations to integrate with our irrigation and environmental controllers. Heron weather stations can be customised to include the sensors you require. The most common configurations for the...
Multi Wire Irrigation Systems

Multi-Wire Irrigation Controllers

The Heron range of multi-wire controllers provide a versatile and reliable solution for irrigation in horticulture, landscape & agricultural applications. Our multi-wire controllers have a superb range of software features, enabling you to customise the controller match the exact needs of each installation.

Flow Sensor Board

The Heron Sensors

Sensors and Interfaces Heron supply a range of sensors to integrate with our irrigation and environmental controllers. The sensors can help to optimise your growing conditions, improving efficiency and increasing yield. Internal Humidity Sensor The Heron humidity...

Remote Control Irrigation

Operate your Heron Irrigation Controller from your PC (Windows only) or from
Any device that can connect to the Internet

2 wire, Irrigation controller

Heron 2-Wire Controllers

The Heron 2-wire controller is ideal for irrigating over a large area, whether your installation is for farming, horticulture, landscape or sport fields the Heron 2-wire controller provides a cost effective & reliable solution. Our 2-wire controllers have a superb range of software features, enabling you to customise the controller match the exact needs of each installation.